Welcome to Django Tastypie Swagger’s documentation!


django-tastypie-swagger is a small adapter library to construct Swagger documentation from Tastypie resources.

This package provides two things:

  1. An embedded instance of Swagger UI to point a URL to.
  2. Automatic Resource Listing and API Declaration generation that is consumed by #1


Install package:

pip install django-tastypie-swagger





Enable documentation for an api endpoint by adding a URL to your urlpatterns.


urlpatterns = patterns('',

      include('tastypie_swagger.urls', namespace='myapi_tastypie_swagger'),
      kwargs={"tastypie_api_module":"myapp.registration.my_api", "namespace":"myapi_tastypie_swagger"}


To declare more than one endpoint, repeat the above URL definition and change the namespace.

Swagger documentation will be served up at the URL(s) you configured.

Using extra_actions

While most ModelResource based endpoints are good as-is there are times when adding additional functionality (like search) is required. In Tastypie the recommended way do to this is by overriding the prepend_urls function and returning a list of urls that describe additional endpoints. How do you make the schema map represent these endpoints so they are properly documented?

Add an attribute to the Meta class inside your ModelResource class called extra_actions. Following the Tastypie search example, here is how extra_actions should be defined:

class Meta:
    extra_actions = [
            "name": "search",
            "http_method": "GET",
            "resource_type": "list",
            "description": "Seach endpoint",
            "fields": {
                "q": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": True,
                    "description": "Search query terms"

extra_actions is a list of dictionary objects that define extra endpoints that are unavailable to introspection.


extra_actions feeds directly into the schema for swagger. It does not alter the tastypie schema listing tastypie provides.

Top level keys and meaning in the extra_actions dictionary:

  • name: Required. Nickname of the resource.
  • http_method: Defaults to "GET". HTTP method allowed here as a string. Will be uppercased on output.
  • resource_type: If this is declared as "list" then the endpoint will not include a {id} parameter in the uri or in the parameters list. This is applicable to endpoints such as the above example that filter or perform actions across many items. If resource_type is ommitted and the http_method is "GET" then the endpoint will default to "view" and include a {id} parameter in the uri and parameter list.
  • summary: Description of this endpoint.
  • fields: Optional Dictionary of parameters this endpoint accepts.

Field dictionaries are declared in a { "name": { [options dict] } style. This is done for compatability reasons with older versions of django-tastypie-swagger.


The structure of fields will likely change in future versions if Joshua Kehn continues committing.

Available keys and meaning for the fields dictionary:

  • type: Defaults to "string". Parameter type.
  • required: Defaults to False.
  • description: Defaults to "" (empty string). Description of this parameter.

Detecting required fields

Tastypie 0.9.11 ModelResource fields do not respect the blank attribute on django model fields, which this library depends on to determine if a field is required or not.

You can use this ModelResource subclass as a workaround to this issue.


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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For nearly a decade, Concentric Sky has been building technology solutions that impact people everywhere. We work in the mobile, enterprise and web application spaces. Our team, based in Eugene Oregon, loves to solve complex problems. Concentric Sky believes in contributing back to our community and one of the ways we do that is by open sourcing our code on GitHub. Contact Concentric Sky at hello@concentricsky.com.